DocumentNode v2 beta is available now ! It will soon be renamed to MarkNode

Flexible Writing, Easy Publishing

Built-in Mind Map for Markdown, working on your local folders of plain text Markdown files, distraction-free writing experience and multiple exporting options make Document Node your better choice of a writing tool.

Document Node

Creatively think and visually structure your ideas with the intuitive Mind Map

As a thinking tool, Mind map helps you map your mind in a non-linear fashion to generate more organic ideas, you can also present your documents in a Mind map view which shows an intuitive framework around your central concept. 

One-click to switch to Mind Map view
Work on top of local folders of plain text Markdown files

Work on top of your local folders of plain text Markdown files

With Document Node, your data sits in local folders and you never worry about any cloud services disruption any more. Every `.md` document in Document Node is compatible with any other app which works with plain text files.

Organize all your projects and files in one place

Create unlimited writing projects in Document Node, which could be a brand new project for a new book or reorganize current writing projects based on your local folders. Just drag and drop files/folders to different places to restructure your projects quickly and easily. 

Drag and drop files in projects tree
Focus on what you want to say in a distraction-free writing space

Focus on what you want to say in a distraction-free writing space

Document Node let you just focus on writing and immerse with the text to increase your productivity. In the editor-only focus mode, all UI components except the text editor fade-out, no one can interrupt you. You can choose to focus on the current sentence, paragraph, or the typewriter mode of the current line.

Powerful Markdown Editor to Boost Your Productivity

Insert images into your text editor from a popup quickly. Take screenshots starting from your text editor and see what pixel you are on accurately. Excel-like Markdown table editing makes your life much easier.

Document Node features at a glance

quotation start 01 Document Node has become indispensable to me. It is a much better cross-platform software and gives me all I need to arrange folders and documents in easy ways and have it publishable as web content. quotation end 01
Dr. med. Harald Lemke 樂海㡣 / GermanyDr. med. Harald Lemke 樂海㡣 / Germany
quotation start 01 Awesome user experience, such as complete shortcut keys, handy PDF/pictures exporting, cool extended image syntax, flexible customisation, and so on. All members in my team are now using Document Node. quotation end 01
Rain L. / Software Product ManagerRain L. / Software Product Manager
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